
Easy Ways to Teach Kids About Emotions in Daily Life

How children can learn to recognize and articulate a wide range of emotions. Anthropologists say that Inuits, whose world is full of snow, have at least 50 words for variations of snow. Inuit children learn those words and attach them accurately to the many varieties of snow simply by hearing them used in context. Similarly, …

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The Benefits of Emotional Awareness

In the 1960s, a young American researcher traveled to Papua New Guinea to study the facial expressions of the isolated Fore people. His findings, which went against the thinking of his contemporary anthropologists, would lay the groundwork for his pioneering research on emotions, and he — Paul Ekman — would go on to become one …

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Being Lovesick Isn’t Just an Old Saying, It’s a Real Thing

If you're crushing super-hard on someone, it might be more than just infatuation We've all had a crush on someone, and obsessing about your crush is kinda bittersweet. Though unrequited love can include a bit of heartbreak, crushing on a person is also a little fun. But what happens when your innocent crush turns into …

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The Science of Songs: How Does Music Affect Your Body Chemistry?

Classical music makes shoppers buy more. Gentle tunes can cure insomnia. How? Writer, composer and science lecturer John Powell explains Like many music lovers I’ve always had a fascination with the emotional power. How can a combination of sounds make all the hairs on your arms stand on end, or make you cry? I’ve always …

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