
10 Natural Depression Treatments

Being depressed can make you feel helpless. You're not. Along with therapy and sometimes medication, there's a lot you can do on your own to fight back. Changing your behavior -- your physical activity, lifestyle, and even your way of thinking -- are all natural depression treatments. These tips can help you feel better -- …

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25 Easy Habits That Help You Live Longer, According to Science

We asked medical experts for the most impactful things you can do right now to live longer—and stay healthy enough to really enjoy your golden years. 1-Go for a jog Among all the things you can do to achieve longevity, one of the most critical is to exercise. Aerobic activity, like running, is crucial for …

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This Will Be The Worst Year For These 3 Zodiac Signs, But Here’s How To Deal

Well, 2018 has already gotten off to a really raucous start, with bomb threats getting fired off by both the president and the National Weather Service. It certainly already has the feeling of 2017-plus, doesn't it? It might not be a new year for Trump, but it's a new year for us. Unless of course, …

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The Sky in Antarctica Looks Like Something From Another World

The image below may look like the illustration for a vintage science fiction movie, an astronaut transfixed by an alien sun on a desolate planet. But no, it’s just another day on Earth. Frankly, it sometimes feels like we don’t deserve this world and its myriad wonders. Photojournalist Christopher Michel’s took the cinematic picture on …

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9 Signs That You May Have Lived Many Past Lives

The idea that people are born and reborn ― that we all have had past lives ― dates back at least 3,000 years. Discussions of the subject can be found in the ancient traditions of India, Greece, and the Celtic Druids, and reincarnation is a common theme among New Age philosophies. Those who believe in reincarnation say clues …

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Growing Independence: Tips for Parents of Young Children

Children Love to Learn Open and honest communication will create a lifelong closeness with your child. Routines and responsibilities will let your child know what to expect. When a rule is broken, a natural consequence needs to follow. As you teach your child how to be independent, you also need to teach how to be …

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This Is Your True Purpose In Life (and how to find it) Based On your Zodiac Sign

Every zodiac sign has a purpose in life, and while each person’s exact purpose may vary, they run along the same lines as everyone else with the same sign. Are you ready to find out what your life purpose is? I’ve done the research for you. I’ve examined the stars and zodiac signs, and here’s …

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Chinese Animal Predictions for February 2018

The February 2018 Feng Shui Chinese Animal Predictions are only a general perspective guide for the twelve earthly branches of the Chinese almanac for February 2018. In this post, I have attempted to point out the factors that may affect you beneficially this month and also those of which you should beware of according to …

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Easy Ways to Teach Kids About Emotions in Daily Life

How children can learn to recognize and articulate a wide range of emotions. Anthropologists say that Inuits, whose world is full of snow, have at least 50 words for variations of snow. Inuit children learn those words and attach them accurately to the many varieties of snow simply by hearing them used in context. Similarly, …

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