
9 Signs That You May Have Lived Many Past Lives

The idea that people are born and reborn ― that we all have had past lives ― dates back at least 3,000 years. Discussions of the subject can be found in the ancient traditions of India, Greece, and the Celtic Druids, and reincarnation is a common theme among New Age philosophies. Those who believe in reincarnation say clues …

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How to Read Minds In 6 Easy Steps

6 steps to develop the sensory awareness to read beyond words and expressions. You don’t use your mind to read the minds of others. You read minds by reading your heart and gut. To fully hear and understand someone, you need to be aware of your sensory reactions as well as your mental activity. With …

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How Does Qigong Work?

Qigong -- or "life-force cultivation" -- is a form of Taoist yoga, with roots in ancient China. Along with supporting general health and wellbeing, qigong practice is the internal foundation of all of the martial arts.   Thousands of Qigong Forms There are literally thousands of different qigong forms, associated with hundreds of existing schools/lineages of Taoist practice. …

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