
The Sky in Antarctica Looks Like Something From Another World

The image below may look like the illustration for a vintage science fiction movie, an astronaut transfixed by an alien sun on a desolate planet. But no, it’s just another day on Earth. Frankly, it sometimes feels like we don’t deserve this world and its myriad wonders. Photojournalist Christopher Michel’s took the cinematic picture on …

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How Art Can Save Your Soul

“Art can be a source of help with our problems — our innermost problems — the problems of the soul.” “Art holds out the promise of inner wholeness,” British philosopher Alain de Botton wrote in Art as Therapy (public library), one of the best art books of 2013. He expounds the premise of the book in this fantastic “Sunday sermon” …

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The Science of Songs: How Does Music Affect Your Body Chemistry?

Classical music makes shoppers buy more. Gentle tunes can cure insomnia. How? Writer, composer and science lecturer John Powell explains Like many music lovers I’ve always had a fascination with the emotional power. How can a combination of sounds make all the hairs on your arms stand on end, or make you cry? I’ve always …

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Have You Ever Wondered…Does Music Influence Your Mood or Improve Memory?

Have You Ever Wondered... Does music influence your mood? What is music therapy? Can music improve memory?   Do you believe in the power of music? If you're like most kids these days, you probably have an electronic device loaded with hundreds or even thousands of your favorite songs. At any moment in time, you can …

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7 Ways Art Improves Your Efficiency & Brings Inner Harmony

There are many misperceptions about arts activities. You may think that creative process is advantageous only for those gifted. It’s untrue! Once you’re interested in art, you may not sculpt or paint like a master. We all have an innate need for personal expression. But the finished artwork is a matter of secondary importance in the therapeutic virtue …

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