Chinese Animal Predictions for February 2018

chinese-animal-predictions-for-february-2018.jpgThe February 2018 Feng Shui Chinese Animal Predictions are only a general perspective guide for the twelve earthly branches of the Chinese almanac for February 2018.

In this post, I have attempted to point out the factors that may affect you beneficially this month and also those of which you should beware of according to your animal sign.

Please do not think that because, for example, you read that February 2018 will have problems for the month and you read below that February 2018 will not be good, you will, therefore, have a bad month. No, a positive attitude and hard work combined with knowledge of what the month ahead has in store for you will enable you to avoid many problems and disappointments.

Please remember that the annual Flying Stars change on the 4th February and every home, office, and building all around the world will have a big shift of energy.

Rat – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

rat.jpgThe Rat may find themselves suffering from mood swings during February and should stay motivated to keep themselves in high spirits.

The Rat can do a lot to boost their morale this month and should keep busy with activities that they enjoy.

Have a fantastic month.


Ox – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

The Ox can look forward to a very promising month in February and can enjoy a lot of what the month has to offer.

Female Oxen can look forward to particularly good luck during February in most areas of their life although male Oxen can still look forward to exciting times ahead.

Have a fantastic month.

Tiger – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

tiger.jpgThe Tiger will need to keep themselves active during February as there is a risk of minor illness; frequent exercise and hobbies can help the Tiger avoid problems.

It would be wise for the Tiger to remain in contact with others this month as they could experience feelings of loneliness if they do not socialise a lot.

Have a fantastic month.



Rabbit – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

rabbitThe Rabbit can look forward to exciting times in February and should find that they do well in nearly everything they take part in.

The Rabbit can accomplish a lot during the first month of the year of the Dog.

The Rabbit can look forward to great Peach Blossom luck during February.

Have a fantastic month.


Dragon – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

dragon.jpgThis could turn out to be an expensive month for the Dragon as there is a big risk of overspending in February due to so much going on and bad budgeting.

The Dragon can avoid a lot of problems by managing their finances well this month and not going over the top on spending.

Have a fantastic month.


Snake – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

The Snake can look benefit from auspicious luck in February and will have a lot to look forward to throughout the month.

This is a great time for the Snake to work hard and enjoy what February has to offer.

Have a fantastic month.


Horse – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

The Horse is looking to have a great month in February with little to worry about.

The Horse can benefit from good financial luck this month and can save a nice sum when making big purchases if they take time to research their options. 

Have a fantastic month.



Goat – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

This is looking to be a great time for the Goat to work hard and make major steps in achieving their goals during February.

In order to make the most out of this month’s influences, the Goat will need to work hard and dedicate time to accomplishing their dreams.

Have a fantastic month.


Monkey – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

Monkey The Monkey can learn a lot of new skills during February and would be wise to use this time to soak in as much new knowledge as this can prove very useful throughout the year of the Dog.

The Monkey can benefit from travelling this month and if finances and time allow so, they should look into taking a trip. 

Have a fantastic month.


Rooster – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

rooster.jpgThe Rooster can enjoy a good month in February although they will need to keep themselves active as there is a risk of minor illness so it would be wise to get some exercise in February; especially those who are dormant a lot of the time during the day. 

Have a fantastic month.



Dog – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

dog.jpgThere will be many Dogs eager to make a good start to their own year although they need to be aware that they could encounter disagreements.

The Dog will need to work around conflicts with others in February if they are to enjoy the month as they could soon encounter problems with friends and family.

The Dog should take care with sharp objects and fire this month as there is a risk of minor cuts and burns.

Have a fantastic month.


Pig – February 2018 Chinese Animal Predictions

The Pig is looking to have a fantastic first month of the year of the Dog in February and should find that the majority of tasks they take part in can be accomplished easily and bring exciting results.

The Pig can look forward to very good Peach Blossom luck in February.

Have a great month.


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